[PSY2105] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 47 pages long Study Guide!

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Varies across day & night detected by eeg (measures brain activity via electrical changes. 50% rem in newborns vs. 20% adults (rem keeps nerve paths active until there"s enough stimulation from external world) Organization of sleep states reflects brain maturation- at-risk babies (alcoholic & drug) are unstable in their time distribution across states between 2-5 weeks and are likely to have medical & behavioral problems. Infancy sleep patterns relate to later cognitive, motor, and psychosocial outcomes of preterm babies. Infants have 50-60 min cycles of active & quiet sleep coordinated with a cycle of wakefulness every 3-4 hours: controlled by internal mechanisms related to brain maturation- hypothalamus. On average, newborns reach an adult-like circadian rhythm cycle by 12 months: 5-6 weeks: sleep periods become longer at night, 12-16 weeks: pattern of sleeping at night and being awake during the day is fairly well established o. Sleep needs decline from 18 12 hours a day by age 2.