[PSY2106] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 42 pages long Study Guide!

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Statistics: a branch of mathematics that involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, a procedure of how we do research, the two main branches of statistics assist your decisions in different ways. Answer is based on statistical tests of significance. Often not practical to study an entire population. Sampling: we select a number of cases to represent the population, and use those cases (group) as a sample estimate of the unknown population. Statistics vs. parameters description to inference computed from a known sample. Sample statistics include the mean, variance, and standard deviation: this is a way to get at the population parameters. Population parameters are often the unknown measures that are estimated from the sample. Researchers try to study samples that do not differ from the general population in any systematic way: ex. Put names of all students in this class in a drum, spin the drum, and take out 20 names (section is the population)