PSY 2110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psy

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Psy 2110 3rd online test chapters 6, 7, 8. Attitude: is a positive or negativee feeling/reaction to something. Attitudes can be strong or weak. it is: an overall evaluation of an object that is based on cognitive, affective and behavioural information". Deliberate + heuristic processing: assessing the validity of something based on a testimony from an experienced state: heuristic controls the opinion. Mcguire info-processing model: the persuasive impact of a message happens in these steps for it to have an impact: Cognitive response model: assumes that attitude change is mediated by the thoughts, or cognitive responses", which recipients generate as they receive and re ect upon persuasive communications. Petty et. al 1976: distraction reduces the ability for cognitive response to persuasion. Klein and webster 2000: the need for cognition. people with high need for closure respond better to more argument than to stronger arguments. Defence motivated processing: bring up preferred position and discredit positions that are not preferred.