PSY 2174 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Random Assignment, Operational Definition, Scientific Method

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A definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be measured. You are given the assignment of developing a new study. Begin with a set of phenomena and chooses an existing theory to explain/interpret them or chooses an existing theory. The alteration of behavior by the subjects of a study due to their awareness of being observed. Want to behave in a socially desirable way. Identify the iv, the dv, and the type of study (experiment, quasi-experiment, qualitative, etc. Independent variable changes effects in the dependent variable when manipulated. Explain the difference between the population, the accessible sample, and the sample. Population is everyone who possess the characteristic. Accessible sample are those that can be easily reached. Sample is the group of individuals/scoured that you select ( hopefully randomly) from the population and measure in your experiment. We can only generalize findings if the sample is representative of the population.