[PSY3171] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (23 pages long!)

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Experience and expression of illness and pain. Who one goes to for help or advice. The experience one has with provides of service. Alert us to pay attention to things that we might have missed. Unattend to characteristics that do not fit the diagnosis. Theories of psychopathology try to explain the cause, or etiology of mental illness. The general aim of theories about mental disorders are to: explain the etiology. Identify the factors that maintain the behaviour: preduct the course of the disorder, design effective treatments. Etiology is always due to multiple factors. When one knows the factors that cause and maintain illness, treatment can be rationally based upon this information. Look at mental illness with cluster of symptoms not cause. Some possible ivs: genes, prenatal environment, early childhood experiences. Several major theories have been advanced to explain mental illness: biological, psychodynamic, learning/conditioning, cognitive and cognitive behavioural, humanistic/ existential, socio culture, various integrative theories.