PSY 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neural Adaptation, Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Also known as paradoxical sleep , because the muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active. Stage 2 more relaxed and characterized by sleep spindles (bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity) although you can be awakened without too much difficulty you are now clealy asleep. Stage 3 is a transitional stage to deep sleep. Stage 4 you are in a deep sleep with your brain emitting slow delta waves. It is at this stage where children may wet the bed or being sleepwalking. * during rem sleep your heart rate rises, your beathing becomes rapid and irregular, and every half-minute or so your eyes dart around in a momentary burst of activity behind closed lids. How to help fix it (cid:0) exercise regularly but not in the late evening, avoid all caffeine after early afternoon and rich foods before bedtime.