PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Gross Anatomy

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Terminology: neuroscience, biopsychology / psychobiology / behavioural neuroscience, physiological psychology (recording brain activity, system level, neuropsychology (effect of brain lesions on behaviour, comparative/evolutionary (bio-) psychology. Implicitly assumed model: an interconnection between psychology & biology etc. Blood: the greeks on abnormal behaviour, somatogenic from physical cause, psychogenic from mental cause. Psychogenic/dissociative amnesia: hippocrates, one of 1st to suggest somatogenic causes of abnormal behaviour, dysfunction of body leads to dysfunction of thought & action, believed that psychopathology was the result of body"s humours. Phlegm (dullness, sluggishness: suggested that epilepsy caused by problems in brain, suggested that brain is seat of mind. Also much of human behaviour: controlled by brain, nerves, soul & brain interact - pineal gland, descartes on mind-body interaction, mechanistic explanation of reflexes: Energy from fine causes mechanical signal to brain (via thread: brain opens value to a conduit leading to muscle, resulting fluid pressure expands muscle, allowing its withdrawal, materialism, thomas hobbes.