SRS 1110 Study Guide - Kabbalah, Pantheism, High Priest

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Occult/occulted: something which is hidden, except for the people inside living it (studied, trained, right knowledge to access it. Magic (k): magic form of entertainment), magik force of the world (same as form of electricity) Mythology: mythos/logos, mythology is not false, very rich in content. Mythos is multiple meaning (poetry is a form of mythos & layers of implied knowledge) Cosmology: cosmos the universe, a world view, how we perceive things. Axiology: comes from axis axiom : our values & how you act (axe: act) Witch: anthropology: when they didn"t identify them as a religious organization. Spiritual healer/shaman/medicine man/ witch doctor (not used anymore: historically: the witch craze, the witch burning, witch hunt. The horrible things that these people did (they were linked to the devil) Witch is a religious identity (wiccan) fastest growing religion. They were often illiterate and preached orally: goddess worship/feminist/witch: