[FEM2109] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (33 pages long!)

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Study guide: gender and globalization in a transnational world. Globalization touches all of the crucial aspects of the world we live in & looks mainly as a macro level: looking at relationship between micro and macro, ex: how globalization affects people on an everyday level. Immanuel wallerstein: first major thinker to develop framework for understanding global capitalist economy, neo-marxist, core, semi-periphery, and periphery regions. Countries with the highest power and available resources and therefore biggest economy to the lowest with the least (*first v third world and that in the middle) Anthony giddens: builds on this, proposed 4 dimensions of globalization: world capitalist economy; nation-state; world military order; international division of labour. Manuel castells: concept of the network society; role of information & telecommunication that connects people & places in a new way & transforms society. How technology has made globalization a possibility.