CCT109H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Packet Switching, Citizen Journalism, Participatory Culture

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CCT109H5 Full Course Notes
CCT109H5 Full Course Notes
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The origins of mobile phones: wirless communication people don"t have to be stuck somewhere to communicate, most radio development focused on the broadcasting business, where there is one powerful transmitter and many inexpensive recievers, size and expense was problem so radios were built in cars, second world war walkie talkies were on market, design of first cellular radio was system was by an engineer at bell telephone in 1940s, creating a telephone that could listen to one tower and ignore the others was more. Larger screen meant bigger and heaver and more battery drainage: smartphone expensive both to purchase and to maintain, access to email was seen to be essential, apple changed the history of phones (lol, key difference between smartphones and apple is the way itunes (app store) been integrated, apple has redefined the relationship between people and their phone and between and their phone company.