MGM101H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Swot Analysis, Bargaining Power, Cost Leadership

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6 Feb 2012
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MGM101H5 Full Course Notes
MGM101H5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Discrimination is when someone is denied a job or job opportunity for reasons that are not job related: define employment equity. Independent contractors are hired on temporary contracts and are not part of an organization s permanent workforce. They are not covered under basic employment standards legislation: define workplace privacy. Human resource planning analyzes staffing needs and identifies actions to fill those needs: define job analysis. A job description details the duties and responsibilities of a job holder/employee: define job specification. A job specification lists the qualifications required of a job holder: define recruitment. A labour contract is a formal agreement between a union and employer about the terms of work for union members: define collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating, administering, and interpreting a labour contract. Ethics reflects people s proper relation with one another and how people should treat others.