PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Taste, Basilar Membrane, Sound

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10 Mar 2018
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Frequency theory holds that perception of pitch corresponds to the rate, or frequency, at which the entire basilar membrane vibrates. Whole membrane vibrates in unison in response to sounds. Brain detects the frequency of a tone by the rate at which the auditory nerve fibers fire. Both theories turned out to be valid in part. Hair cells are not independent; they vibrate together. Place theory correct in terms that the wave peaks at a particular place, depending on the frequency of the sound wave. In frequency theory investigators found that neurons are hard pressed to fire at a maximum rate of about 1000 impulses per second. Volley principle holds that groups of auditory never fibers fire neural impulses in rapid succession, creating volleys of impulses. Auditory localization means locating the source of a sound in space. Features that contribute to auditory localization: intensity (loudness) and the timing of sounds arriving at each ear.