PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Sickle-Cell Disease, Color Blindness, Haemophilia A

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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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You married this woman, and had a son with the disease. What is the most likely mode of inheritance? x-linked recessive. So, there are 4 generations. woman"s grandfather had it, and woman"s son has it. Boys are affected, women pass it on. (remember it is her maternal granddad that has it). Lets say their are 20 people on an isolated island and are to repopulate it (10 males + 10 females) and of this population 2 people are carriers of cystic fibrosis (recessive). 20 people on island and 2 people are aa. From this information you cannot calculate the freq of q^2. However, you are assuming the rest of the population is aa. a man"s maternal uncle and maternal grandfather had a disease. Grandma- homozygous recessive sickle cell anemai (aut rec), cf (aut rec), tay sachs (aut rec), hemophilia a (x-linke drec), colour blindness (x-linked rec), cgh (different types, x-linked dom discussed in class), huntington"s (aut dom)