PSY354H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Gender genital anatomy as well as function. Gender: individual sense of maleness or femaleness. Cognitive, behavioural, and general personality traits that one groups seems to share more in common with others. Seems to define traditional differences between the sexes. Cisgendered: biological sex is the same as gender identity. Sense of sexuality and gender is flexible; fluid. Transgendered: sense of gender identity opposite of anatomical sex. Though not all aspects are always expressed or experienced. Motivations are diverse (sense of duty, economic factors, physical attractions) What is considered normal is highly dependent on society. Though the official study of sex is somewhat novel, sexuality has been discussed for a very long time. Greeks and romans had no idea on homosexuality or heterosexuality. Considered abnormal to be attracted to one sex. Aristotle: thought about the difference between males and females. Men"s bodies formed in the perfect image of god; women"s from spare boughts. Loud noises to scare womb back into place.