SOC100H5 Midterm: Key Terms from FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIETY Chapters 1 to 9 FOR TEST AND EXAM PREP
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Sociological perspective: seeing the general in the particular. Positivism: a way of understanding based on science. Theory: states how facts are related, weaving observations into insight and understanding. Focuses on how women important to the development of sociology. postmodern approach an approach that is critical of modernism with a mistrust of grand theories and ideologies www. notesolution. com. *critical sociology suggests that reality is subject to change empirical evidence - information that we can verify via our sensory devices. Particular matters that individuals considers to be true or false. language- a system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another. Socialization - the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture. nurture vs nature - behaviorism holds that behaviour is not instinctive but learned agents of socialization - peer group www. notesolution. com. Social structure refers to social patterns that guide our behaviour in everyday life.