SOC345H5 Midterm: SOC345 Foundations Test Study Notes

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Lecture 2: the basics- the social construction of gender. Stable society with expressive and instrumental roles: if you don"t fit into these categories=deviant. Role as structure that creates boundaries around own agency: structure constrains behaviour. Through socialization we learn the role we are supposed to be. Structural functionalists: family as important: unable to think about power, power is at the center with regards to gender relations. Need more freedom through the feminist movement. By looking at femininity, acknowledgement of not having two separate boxes: men support because it would be beneficial, not restrictive. Role strain: roles and structures we are supposed to fit within. Masculinity as a crisis point through privileged lens. Instead of confronting patriarchal power structures, those who wrote on masculinity moved away from issue. Make sense of things, problem is the roles they have to abide by.