ANTC61H3 Study Guide - Academic Dishonesty, Academic Integrity, Vestibular System

126 views5 pages
1 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Lectures will be posted on backboard (bb), usually on the day of the lecture. Prerequisites: psya01 & psya02 (cannot be waived, no exceptions) Theory and research on perception and cognition, including visual, auditory and tactile perception, representation, and communication. Topics include cognition and perception in the handicapped and normal perceiver; perceptual illusion, noise, perspective, shadow patterns and motion, possible and impossible scenes, human and computer scene analysis, ambiguity in perception, outline representation. The research is on adults and children, and different species. Demonstrations and exercises form part of the course work. Sensation and perception, 3rd edition (no other edition: wolfe et al. Here you will find the syllabus, and announcements. Also, i will put the lecture slides on that page. Please check on a regular basis for announcements. Please direct emails to the dedicated course address. A ta will go through all emails and answer standard course questions or quick questions about content.

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