CLAA06H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Theogony, Olive Oil, Origin Myth
Document Summary
Choose five out of ten key words and define each. Each correct definition is two points: fil in the blanks (20 points) List of questions, worth 1 or 2 points: passage identification and commentary (20 points) Given selection of 3 passages and you need to choose 2 of them. Each identification and commentary will be worth up to 10 points. What does the passage talk about? (short summary, not paraphrase) Invocation of the muses and hymn to zeus right from the beginning. Pandora given gifts by all the gods or gift from all gods . In the opening lines, he pleads to zeus for his brother, perseus, to hear the truth. Hesiod laments about the sad times in which he lives, appealing to zeus to set our fallen laws upright. Then describes the story of prometheus and zeus. Prometheus steals fire and gives it to the humans which angers zeus.