EESA06H3 : chpt5-7.docx

73 views1 pages
22 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Develops in a particular way under natural conditions such as heat, pressure, oxygen, available atoms, & acid content determine how minerals are formed. 4500 kinds of minerals in the world- only a couple hundred that are common & a couple dozen that for the majority of all rocks. Distinguished by properties: color, luster, hardness, chemical composition and the transmission of light under a microscope. A geode- pocket of volcanic rocks-forms crystals with faces that reflect light. Minerals are said to be crystalline because of this universal property. A crystalline: substance is one in which the atoms r arranged in a 3 dimensional , regularyly repeating, There are 230 diff kinds of symmetrical arrangements in nature orderly pattern. Minerals can be defined as a family. Atoms: smallest electrically neutral assemblies of energy & matter. They contain electrons that carry a negative charge & move in the direction that allow them to neutralize their charge by crowding around positively charged protons.

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