GGRB28H3 Final: GGRB28 Winter 2016 - Lecture and Reading Notes from Paul Farmer combined - Final Prep

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7 Feb 2018

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Globalization: greater connections between people and places, turn towards the market (goods/service distribution are more integrated, rising inequalities. Globalization as significant break from decades of progress: 1940s: antibiotics begin to be widely used, 1950"s, polio vaccine manufactured and. 1977, massive who campaign leads to small pox eradication: additionally, in the west specifically, better nutrition and housing, safer food/water and improved hygiene, infectious diseases vs. lifestyle diseases, sense of optimism, cohen"s article: Newly emerging diseases: west nile (transmission through mosquitoes, resurfaced in n. america, ebola (internal, external bleeding), lyme disease (spread by ticks, suburbanization), hiv, drug resistant bacteria. Spanish smallpox: present: global dynamics promoting diseases like aids, west nile, tb & drug resistant bacteria. New inequalities: life expectancies at birth where lower ones are concentrated in africa. Lecture #3: geographies of blame: geographical imaginations and disease. Edward said on orientalism: binary where west (occident) is masculine, rational, democratic and progressive whereas east/orient is feminine, irrational, tyrannical and timeless.

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