HLTC02H3 : HLTC02 Lec 11 part 1 .doc
Document Summary
Health good practice & right to health good practice: Enhances an individual"s or groups benefit of one or more aspects of the right to health by: Improves participation of all in health policy making. Directs attention to vulnerable populations, i. e. those living in poverty. In process and outcome, good practice is consistent with the enjoyment of all rights. Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women: Commits governments to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women by granting legal rights and equal opportunities. 24 on women and health calls attention to the health needs and rights of women in vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Un committee on the elimination of discrimination against women: The committee recommends that canada develop a specific and integrated plan for addressing [poverty, poor health, low education and exposure to violence of aboriginal women its concerns and recommendations require the priority attention of.