HLTA03H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health System, Population Health, Social Capital

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Aim to put attention to areas of importance for sustaining a healthy population: acknowledge factors beyond indvl that can impact health. Recognize importance of health care, but shouldn"t be total focus. Proposed health field concept to ship focus to other areas: human biology, environment- external factors ex. food safety, pollution etc, lifestyle, health care organization. Doesn"t consider how environment might impact risky decisions that indvls make: report unintentionally emphasized an indvls responsibility for their own health. Health promotion: more concerned with behvr and lifestyle model, individualistic, political, focus on how structural factors create health inequalities, strives to decrease income inequality. Approaches to understanding health (biomedical vs. behavioral vs. socio-environmental) Biomedical: (-) definition of health (cid:8213) health as absence of disease, iatrogenic, body as machine with parts, illness result of biological + physiological problem (cid:8213) ex. bacterial infection treated with antibiotics.