[LINB09H3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 85 pages long Study Guide!

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Linb09 lecture 1 introduction & vocal anatomy. Phonetics branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of human language. There are several subdivisions within phonetics: articulatory phonetics studies the physiological mechanisms of speech production, acoustic phonetics studies the sound waves produced, auditory phonetics studies the way sounds are heard and perceived. It is extremely useful to be able to discuss sounds using consistent notation. The spelling that a language uses its orthography often has nothing to do with the way words are pronounced. Respelling (not standardized: not standardized and sometimes ambiguous, e. g. Dictionary transcription: not standardized, system often specific to a particular dialect of a language. Ipa: in linguistics, the ipa is the standard system for transcribing speech sounds, created in 1888, but has undergone several revisions. Identical apart from the absence of one symbol (labiodental flap : has symbols that represent both segments (consonants and vowels) and suprasegments (stress, length and tone)