MDSA01H3 Study Guide - Digital Rights Management, Religious Education In Primary And Secondary Education, Profit Motive

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19 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Terminology array of theoretical perspectives united by their sceptical attitude, humanistic approach, political assessment, and activist orientation. Medium communication technologies potential to reach a large audience in remote locations indirect channel information is mediated to us through a medium. Postmodernity emerged in 1960"s economic mode of production in western society shift: goods-based manufacturing information-based services. Process: people (individually + collectively) learn + adopt + internalize the prevailing cultural belief"s + values + norms. Theory explanatory + interpretive tool enables + limits understanding of a particular social product, practice, or process under investigation. Material conditions of society relations of production: into which people enter to produce the necessities and amenities of life i. e. employer-employee work conditions, division of labour, property relations. Integration ownership pattern subsidiary companies / branches within a company: strategically interrelated. Society is the history of class struggles. Multinationalism corporate presence in multiple countries allows for the production + distribution of media products on a global scale.