MGMB01H3 Study Guide - Scalability, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Business Cycle

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25 Dec 2013

Document Summary

As the consultants from ignition, you"ve been called in by the executives at oneclass to do a full strategic analysis on all of their operations from finance, human resources and marketing. The oneclass executives have asked you to look over their marketing operations and propose a new campaign that they can use to scale across all north american university/college campuses. Due to the nature of their business, marketing is very essential to their success and as such, forms the majority of this client file. Oneclass is an educational platform that serves the post-secondary student market. The story all began in september 2010, when two university roommates got together and thought up of the idea to create a note sharing platform. This platform would be where students could go to find the peer-created supplementary notes that they need for their courses. The first iteration of the site launched as notesolution. com.