NROC64H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Nroc64 sensory and motor systems: sensorymotor systems. Introducing chemical senses: animals depend on the chemical senses to identify nourishment chemical sensation, oldest and most common sensory system chemical senses, gustation, olfaction, chemoreceptors throughout the body skin, digestive system, neck arteries, hormones, muscles, etc. + t1r3: detect, amino acids, monosodium glutamate, central taste pathways, 3 cranial nerves, vii - facial, x - vagus. Significance of vision relationship between human eye and camera retina: photoreceptors converts light energy into neural activity, detects differences in intensity of light. Overview: optics, anatomy of the eye, how is an image formed in the eye, anatomy of the retina retinal computations receptor physiology. The norwegian silly crab the major events in the life of a crab foe food love. Overview: visual pathways, anatomy of the striate cortex, physiology of the striate cortex, extrastriate cortex and beyond, visual deficits from neurons to face perception.