[PHLB17H3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (118 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

O(cid:272)ial life orga(cid:374)ized arou(cid:374)d the (cid:862)good(cid:863) (human flourishing) Natural structure/hierarchy in world that is purposive (goal-oriented) Tate is (cid:862)(cid:374)atural(cid:863), (cid:374)atural progressio(cid:374) from family to polis. Man is, by nature, a political animal. Purpose of the state: to secure the good life of its members (goal of political. Feudal life organized around land grants and military service. Hierarchical class structure based on custom and loyalty. Coupled with religious authority: divine right of kings (and oaths justify political obligation) 1 king -> 180 barons -> 3000-5000 knights -> 1. 5-2 million peasants. Answer: divine right of kings and oaths of allegiance. 1543: de revolutionibus orbium (on the revolutions of celestial bodies: galileo (1564-1642) 1632: dialogue on the two chief systems of the world (1633 house arrest: kepler (1571-1630) 1619: harmonices mundi (the harmony of the world: newton (1642-1727) 1687: principia (mathematical principles of natural philosophy)