PHLB09H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 73 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Lecture 1- chapter 1: moral reasoning in hioethics. Hioethics issues: health care, medical science and medical technology. Moral: the rules of morality are overriding, mainly universal, impartial (don"t favour anyone) Permissible (what"s not wrong to do) - allowed. Obligatory (wrong not to do) required. Supererogatory: beyond duty good to do but not required. Different people (utilitarian or kantian) will take it differently. Autonomy: self governace, violation : coercion, confinement, non-consensual experiment, borderline cases: addiction, mental illness, infants, harm to others, paternalism: overriding autonomy for one"s own good, beneficence, do good ( active beneficence, avoid needless harm (non-maleficence) Violations: intent(causing one needless harm, negligence (not knowing the case, ignorance. Assumed duty of health care professionals: utility. Maximize benefit, minimize harm for all concerned. No perfect beneficence - as in there"s no such thing as avoiding harm in all. 1001600555: in what respect should we treat equals equals / what makes equals equal. Moral objectivism: there are moral principles valid for all.