POLB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Texas Education Agency Accountability Ratings System, Developing Country, Polygraph

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Cause lawyering: using legal skills to pursue ends & ideals that transcend client service. No state can deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal to protection laws. Relevant landmark case: brown v. board of education. Clause was on the bases for brown v. board of education. Showed the limitations of enforcement in court separate but equal . Black students encountered more racism bc they were integrated into public schools. School boards fired most black teachers, unfit for teaching integrated classrooms. The new all- white hall high school, the all-black horace. Central had been the only white high school in little rock. Only central would experience integration, w. nine carefully chosen black students: Poor blacks and rich whites would remain in the isolated, racially homogeneous environments of. Wealthier whites retained the option of exiting the public school system altogether either by educating their children privately or by fleeing to the (generally white) suburbs.