POLB72H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Labour Power, Capital Accumulation, Polemarchus

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For locke, in the state of nature all men are free to their actions, and use their possessions as they wish within the law of nature. The law of nature states that individuals have authority over their life, liberty and property. When that authority is violated an individual enters a state of war. States that people live in perfect freedom and equality. However, they have liberty but not license over others. There must be some rules that limit human behavior. Right to life, liberty, health and property. The state of war occurs when an individual is wronged. Their natural rights have been violated and therefore they are in a state of war. For example, if someone takes your apple from your tree, you are at a state of war, you put your labor into it therefore it is yours. They violated your property, you are now in a state of war.