POLB90H3 Final: POLB90 Final Review.docx
Document Summary
Imperialism has shaped todays third world annexing, conquering, administering. Imperialism let loose the social forces that generated poverty of trade patterns and transportation networks, called forth plantations and mines, destroyed local manufactures, put millions into slums, posed opportunities for elites to accumulate power. Why is the intellectual unable to perform an effective leadership role in decolonization. Prsps: some governments did minimal amount of cso participation required. Often the groups that came to power were separated once again from local populations by european education and by western thinking. Washington consensus, which also promoted structural adjustment, privatization and deregulation. Can only have 2 out of these 3. Called political trilemma: democracy, hyper globalization, national self determination. Tension between democracy and hyper globalization: =a shifting authority, on democracies: people have control over their govt. hyperglobalization: govt is constrained and the will of the people is constrained by trade rules and policies.