POLC38H3 : Organized Violence in the Global Era, 2001, p. 90-111.
Document Summary
The failure of states (due to a lack of control, catch 22) is accompanied by privatization of violence. Revolutionary warfare: get control of territory through gaining support of local population. The warfare is based partly on both these techniques. The difference between revolutionaries and new warriors is the method of political control instead of ideological allegiance to the cause. Instead of population support new warfare is based on population displacement to get rid of all opponents or create unfavorable conditions for them. External assistance is crucial with the collapse of domestic production through: remittance from abroad to individual families, direct assistance from diaspora living abroad, assistance from foreign gov"t, diversion of humanitarian assistance. The new type of warfare is a predatory social condition, which can"t be contained like a specific group may be. Illegal trade can also lead to spread of the conflict. The aim is political mobilization on the basis of identity.