PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Semantic Memory, Institutional Review Board, Aphasia
Document Summary
Psychology: the scientific study of behaviour, thought, and experience. Hypothesis: testable prediction of a process that can be observed or measured. Pseudoscience: ideas that are presented as science but do not actually utilize the basic principles of scientific thinking (horoscope) Theories are not the same as opinions or beliefs, and not all theories are equally plausible. Biopsychosocial model: a means of explaining behaviour as a product of biological, psychological and sociocultural factors. Biological influences on behaviour involve brain structures, chemicals, hormones and drug efforts. Scientific literacy: the ability to understand, analyze and apply scientific information. Critical thinking: exercising curiosity and skepticism when evaluating the claims of others, and with our own assumptions are beliefs. People connect more significance to coincidental events when they are negative. Science is a philosophy of knowledge that stems from two fundamental beliefs: A philosophical tenet that knowledge comes through experience. Knowledge about the world is based on careful observation, not common sense or speculation.