PSYA01H3 : lecture note
Document Summary
Transduction: translation of information about environmental events into neural activity. Must be translated into 2 types(one or the other) neural code: anatomical or temporal. Psychophysics is the study of relation between physical characteristics of stimuli and perceptions they produce. Vision: light, eye and functions, transduction of light by photoreceptors, adaptation to light and dark, eye movements, colour vision. Photopigments: chemicals that transduce light into neural activity in the photoreceptors neurons in the retina. Chemical change in photopigments- ability to see bright or dim light. 3 types of purposive movements, involuntary movement s in the eye. 3 types of cones in retina: sensitive to wavelength of light, and detect colours. Audition: sound, ear and its functions, detecting and localizing sounds in environment, age related losses in hearing. Gustation: receptors and sensory pathway, five qualities of taste. Olfaction: anatomy of olfactory system, dimensions of odour.