PSYA02H3 Midterm: Lecture notes for most classes from after midterm
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Things that happen to us early in years like in childhood shape who we"ve become. Psychodynamics psychological trauma carried on often from childhood. Freuds idea the use of psychic energy to regulate our personal affairs, they way we feel about and so on. Each one of us has 3 important elements ourselves that determine what we do and how we think. The id: where all our personal impulses/motivations are caused. Like if you want something you have to have it. It provides motivation to satisfy the desire for pleasure. Functions on the basis of the pleasure principle. The ego: the rational part of our self. If i grab someone because i"m horny i"ll go to jail. ego functions on the basis of the reality principle. Ego and superego are more conscious but not completely conscious. Ego and superego stick up above water which is conscious. Then we have the narrow base composed of id that"s not conscious.