PSYB01H3 : CH 13
Document Summary
Chapter 13: understand i ng research results- stat ist ical. Inferential statistics are necessary because the results of a given study are based on data obtained from a single sample of research participants. If researchers ever study entire populations; their findings are based on sample data. Reflects any true d i f ference in t he popu lat ion m eans, Inferential statistics give the probability that the difference between means reflects random error than a real difference. Null and research hypot hesis: statistical inference begins with a statement of the null hypothesis and a research (or alternative) hypothesis. this is what is meant by statistical significance. statistical significance: rejection of the null hypothesis when an outcome has a low probability of occurrence (usually . 05 or less) if, in fact, the null hypothesis is correct: significance is a matter of probability, research hypothesis: Independent variable did have an effect. www. notesolution. com: logic of t he n ull hypothesis.