[PSYB10H3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 70 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Social psychology: the study of social processes: how the presence of others affects the way we think, feel, and behave, social situations can be real or imagined, explaining and predicting behavior. Comparing social psychology to other social sciences: Power of the situation: situations can often determine behavior despite individual differences, nazi germany: Were nazi soldiers somehow unusual, or were most of them normal people who found themselves in unusual situations: milgram"s study of obedience: Shock level increased for each wrong answer. Shock levels ranged from 15 volts (slight shock) to 450 volts (danger: severe shock). During the experiment, the confederate begins to scream in pain and demand that the experiment end. Later, the confederate stops making any sounds, indicating he may be possibly injured or dead. The experimenter, wearing a white lab coat, instructs the participant to continue with the experiment. Despite potential severe harm to another person, 62. 5 percent of participants completed the experiment.