PSYB10H3 : PSYB13.docx

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Document Summary

Types of groups: non social: a group of people standing in a line to get tickets for movies (no relation to one another, social: when the movie is sold out, and everyone starts talking to each other. The interaction between them makes it social. Social groups have social norms to guide behaviour: they have well defined social roles and vary in level of group cohesiveness, social norms: a groups prescription for the behaviour, valaues, and beliefs of its members. Group members are expected to conform to these norms. Members who deviate from norms are punished or rejected. Potential costs: individual personality may be taken over by power of role. Violation of social roles meets with censure from other group members. How do groups affect us: social facilitation and social loafing. How you would perform when you"re alone versus when you"re with others. Created by an interaction of three factors: Task complexity (how easy or complex an assignment should be)