PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: List Of Fables Characters, Barter, Electroencephalography

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12 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Uses scientific methods to understand and explain how the thought, feeling and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of other human beings gordon alport, 1985. Cognition: thought, sensation, perception, processing, and memory. Do non-human primates consider social concepts like fairness into their decision-making about basic needs. Collect data from a bunch of pairs of capuchin monkeys. Equity condition: both monkeys get cucumbers for their tokens. Record how many times each capuchin refuses to eat or barter. Inequity condition: one monkey a cucumber and the other gets a grape. Late 1800s: subfield of philosophy, william james. Government interests in social psychology: persuasion and propaganda, key social psychologists funded to study effective war bond ads. Post war: how did nazi germany happen, milgram"s obedience to authority . Murder of kitty genovese: march 13th, 1964, at least 39 witnesses. No one intervened or even called the police.