PSYB32H3 : Chap6 Textbook Notes

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Dsm-iv and cover most of what used to be referred to as the neuroses. Anxiety disorders are diagnosed when subjectively experienced feelings of anxiety are clearly present. Often someone with one anxiety disorders meets the diagnostic criteria for another disorder, as well; this comorbidity among anxiety disorders arises for 2 reasons: As a group, the anxiety disorders are the most common psychological disorders. The highest 1-year prevalence rates were found in women 15-24 years old. Anxiety disorders were more common in women than in men across all age groups, although for both men and women the rates of anxiety disorders decreased with age. A majority of canadians who met criteria for an anxiety disorder reported that it interfered with their home, school, work, and social life. Those with an anxiety disorder were less likely to seek help from any mental health service, relative to those with a mood disorder.

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