PSYB45H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stimulus Control, Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement

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Document Summary

Respondent conditioning: if a neutral stimulus is followed closely in time by an unconditioned stimulus which elicits an unconditioned response, then the previously neutral stimulus will also elicit the unconditioned response in the future. Operant conditioning: the modification of a behaviour by its consequences. Responses: voluntary behaviour that is evoked/ emitted through conditioning. Reinforcers are presented only after a response has occurred. Bodily reactions one feelings during the experience of an emotion (digestive, respiratory, circulatory systems controlled by the autonomic nervous system) The way the emotion is outwardly expressed/disguised (individual and cultural variations) Becoming aware of emotions and describing them (labelling of emotions is done through operant conditioning) Vividly experiencing or imagining certain scenes or experiences in response to certain images, words, smells, etc. Self-directed verbal behaviour (little voice in our head) Is learned through operant conditioning (what is appropriate to say out loud)