BIO120H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Directional Selection, Rotifer, Blending Inheritance

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30 Oct 2016
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Le(cid:272)tu(cid:396)e 2: da(cid:396)(cid:449)i(cid:374)"s big idea a(cid:374)d ho(cid:449) it cha(cid:374)ged biology. The theory of evolution: living things change gradually from one form into another over time. Evolution is a phenomenon that has no purpose a blind mechanistic process. The giraffe(cid:835)s neck: lamarck(cid:835)s example for the inheritance of acquired characters: progressive increase in neck during the life time of an individual is passed on to offspring. August weisman germplasm theory shows why lamarck was wrong. Inheritance only by germ cells (gametes); somatic cells (soma) do not function as agents of heredity: thus genetic information cannot pass from soma to gametes and onto next generation. Modern interpretation stated in molecular terms genetic information flows in one direction only from dna to protein but never in reverse. Charles darwin & alfred russell wallace co-discover the chief mechanism of evolution-natural selection. Darwin wrote the origin of species which is arguably the most scientific book ever written.