BCH210H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phosphodiesterase, Glycerol, Lipoprotein

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12 Oct 2017
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BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

How insulin is released: glut2 glucose transporter that is constituently expressed at the cell surface glucose to comes down its concentration gradient into the cell and generate atp. Atp binds to atp sensitive potassium channels, closing it, resulting in membrane depolarization. By closing the membrane protein, no longer have k leaving the cell, signals to ca channel to open for ca to come in and act as a messenger. When ca comes in, it binds to ca sensitive binding proteins, which helps with exocytosis (release of insulin from vesicles) Glucose comes in, atp acts on signal, energy in beta cells close k channel, allow ca to come in, results in secretion of enzymes. Preproinslin precursor, needs a signal sequence to direct polypeptide to the er where it can be secreted. C peptide joins two chains (a chain and b chain), connected by disulfide bonds. Once c peptide released, we get insulin.