ECE318H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Michelson Interferometer, Optical Path Length, Air1

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Ece318s: solution of tutorial 10 (dated: march 28, 2019: pedrotti 8-4. Looking into a michelson interferometer, one sees a dark central disk surrounded by concentric bright and dark rings. One arm of the device is 2cm longer than the other, and the wavelength of the light is 500nm. Determine: a) the order of the central disk. b) the order of the sixth dark ring from the center. Using eqn. (8-5) in pedrotti"s book, the central disk corresponds to the maximal order, which is: mmax = 2d. A polished surface is examined using a michelson interferometer with the polished surface replacing one of the mirrors. A fringe pattern characterizing the surface contour is observed using he-ne light of wavelength 632. 8 nm. Fringe distortion over the surface is found to be less than onefourth the fringe separation at any point. After a path-length di erence of d, the fringe distortion is m = 2 d.