ESS102H1 : Last Lecture Timeline
Document Summary
Agricola: de re metallica (on the nature of metals, mainly about mining in saxony, includes mineral classification, uses the term fossils first (referred to anything dug up) Steno: podromus, outlines dissertation on a solid contained within a solid, argues that sedimentary strata deposited in water, formulates stratigraphy principles: continuity: explains rock sequence in tuscany, recognizes gluzsogetrae as shark teeth. Descartes www. notesolution. com: cartesian coordinates, principiae philosophiae, earth formed from extinguished star, four phases of cooling (produced shells, outer shell collapsed. Ussher: annals of the world, god created the earth on saturday, october 22, 4004 bc. Burnet: sacred theory of the earth, 7 stages of earth"s development, consistent with biblical account, 18th century. Lhwyd: suggests great age for earth from fallen boulders, fossils grew from seeds and eggs within the rocks. Scheuchzer: 1730 physia sacra fossils buried by biblical flood, homo diluvii testis . Buffon: des epoques de la nature, dates for origin of earth using cooling of iron spheres.