GGR101H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Low Earth Orbit, Hand Axe, Relative Dating
Document Summary
Historical ecology: the relationship between humans and ecology through the past, present and future. Karl marx and historical materialism: people and the material conditions of daily lives: technological changes, historical changes. Cultural ecology in north american anthropology: biological and cultural adaptions to the environment. Importance of technological change = environmental extraction of resources: humans = more than just an organism, we are a complex system that relies on other systems for survival. Environmental determinism: school of thought 80-100 years ago, prejudice view on the world, unscientific. Solar radiation: electro-magnetic (em) = sunlight: sunlight allows us to have light, photosynthesis and atmospheric circulation, most important: visible wavelengths (light we can see, quantum theory. Traveling at the speed of light, traveling in an oscillating pattern (regular) Wavelength = the spatial period of a sinusoidal (sine) wave: longer the wavelength the less frequent the wave.