GGR124H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Manual Labour, Gentrification, Shortage

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27 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Urban: defined as places of intense social interaction and exchange between strangers, generally have a dense agglomeration(concentration) of people and activities, key characteristics are density, proximity and diversity. Urbanization: population shifting towards the urban areas, de-urbanization is the opposite (rural areas have a population growth) Metropolitanization: metropolitan(larger urban areas) growing faster than the smaller urban areas. Principle methods used to measure urban places: population, economic base, administrative, functional. Note: basic goods = city forming (agriculture, manufacturing) In urban geography we: recognize and describe the following of the urban area, pattern, processes, internal structure, examine how people understand/react to these observed patterns/processes, seek for how these patterns/processes originated. Ecological human behavior is based on ecological principles: the most powerful groups get the most advantageous place in a given space, example : burgess" concentric zone model. Neo-classical driving force is rationality (or rather, the economic rationality of humans). Cost-minimization or benefits maximization: behavioral and humanistic, the difference.