HIS109Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Super Bowl Xxix, Super Bowl Xxxii, Petrarch
Document Summary
Napoleon"s coup of 18 brumer (month in the french revolutionary calendar; 1792 = year 1) Result of european powers wanting to suppress the upheaval of the revolution. Russia and britain were about to invade france to restore the monarchical system in europe. French needed a strong, central power to preserve the revolution and protect france. Needed a popular figure for the french to support. Government officials figured napoleon would be the popular figurehead while they governed the new revolutionary france, napoleon saw it another way. He made himself console for life and later emperor (1804) Napoleon saw himself as a child of the revolution. Nonetheless, he believed imperialism was the only way to preserve the new france. The government is entrusted into the hands of the emperor . Still, napoleon needed legitimacy to rule the way he wanted to rule. Concordat, peace of amiens, civil code were acts he used to restore peace in revolutionary, anarchic france.