HPS100H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypothetico-Deductive Model, Fallibilism, Ephemeris

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1: name the four bodily fluids of galen"s physiology. Aristotelians would say everything exists for a goal/aim i. e. the aim of animals is to reproduce. Definitions in 1-3 sentences (4 marks each): agnosticism we cannot know whether god exists or does not exist. Nowadays, the scientific community accepts the position of agnosticism. Agnosticism should not confused with atheism which holds that god does not exist (lecture 10, slide 48). It may appear to us there is free choice, but in reality everything is preprogrammed. We use the method because we believe that it prevents the occurrence of unaccounted effects, placebo effect, and experimenter"s bias. In other words, we employ it because we take it is an implementation of the abstract requirements which follow from our accepted theories (barseghyan, 140). Descartes says that since extension is an attribute, it cannot exist independently of its substance. If matter disappeared from the universe, space would disappear as well.