HPS100H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Astrological Sign, Fallibilism, Hylomorphism

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1. 1) name the galenic temperaments of individuals born under astrological fire sign, water sign, air sign and earth sign: fire (choleric), water (phlegmatic), air (sanguine), and. Classical mechanics, wave theory of light, classical electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics. 1. 4: fallibilism: no synthetic proposition can be infallible. Mosaic split: mosaic split occurs when two incompatible theories meet the requirements of the method, the mosaic splits in two. Theory ladenness: capable of being understood only within the context of a specific theory, as for example superego, which can only be understood under the freudian theory in explanation. Hypothetic-deductive method: hypotheses is allowed to introduce unobservable entities (particle, forces, superstrings). The accepted scientific method, that says a scientific inquiry proceeds by calculating a hypothesis in a form that could conceivably be falsified by a test or observable data. hypothesis is acceptable if some of its novel predictions are confirmed.